Sunday, September 26, 2004

Unix Haters
There is one handbook for unix haters. I have never heard of that. My friend forwarded this link But that is full of spate and repeated glug. I am reading through it. The fact is it is all from learned(!!!) persons who behave like laymans and who are more interested in the world of colours and graphics. Thus said, they should have gone ahead and created their own OS. Who stopped them??

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Sports Day
It was good fun. I broke my leg when playing football. Was in hospital for 2 days (50 hours) and didnt touch my laptop during that period. Used that time to read Feynman's book and Eric Raymonds book on Art of unix programming. More to put my thoughts on above.

My friends here are taking a good care of me. I am deeply indebted to them. I can payback this gratitude in any way.

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Weekend update
Birthday reminder script is complete. For the current month, the script generate messages and sends it to my gmail account. I configured my anacron to do the job.
Updated with ACPI details, which I worked on last week.

Friday, September 10, 2004

linux users
Was reading through this article Agree with the author completely. Whatever I think of linux, he has put in words completely. I am also a second generation linux user, who strive to be part of that powerful first generation user, but missing those vital knowledge spanning the history of linux development. Nice one to read.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

good, bad and ugly
I got the dvd as a bday gift. It was cool. When tried to play on the gxine, it was reporting for encrypted dvds. Downloaded libdvdcss, installed and sorted the issue. I am waiting to see the movie.
It was a fun filled bday party. Most of the friends around. I am in the process of uploading photos to

Today was reading the sample chapter from Linux Unwired on wardialing, wardiving. Excellent piece of chapter.
I am completing 27 years today and looking back, I havent achieved much in life. Lot of road to cover. Tomarrow full of planning for the next complete year.
I completed nearly 90% of my birthday reminder script. A few refinement needs to be done.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Back to Physics
Physics is a wonderful subject. One who studies physics and nature will be able to see all the faces of a matter. Physics taught me to think and think abstractively. Physics gives room to use all your imagination powers. Eventhoug mathematics is good, it only helps, aids in problems for physics. There is no abstract, imaginative thinking behind mathematics. Chemistry is a very good subject in its own sense, but it too has its boundry as far as thinking is concerned. From physics only numerous branches came out.

Physics is some kind of astrology. Yes, it also watches the nature for a long time and try to deduce/predict the behaviour of nature for a particular stimuli. The randomness associated with one event (for example a crowded street in which the participating matter behaviour can be predicted) is actually a perfect sequence on its own. Suppose, we are passing across a crowded street, the behaviour w.r.t ours is sequential and flawless as we move through the space with time. We influence the participating factors and vice versa. If we take into account the commuters in the whole city, deduce who will potentially cross our path, calculate their time, distance, speed and we can approximate the people whom we will crossing at a particular point. Eventhough uncertainity comes into picture in the form of accidents, the probability of deducing the above is quite good provided we take into account the complexity of the process involved.

Monday, September 06, 2004

Six easy pieces by Feynman
After a long gap, it was refreshing to read something on physics. I was reading Richard Feynman's Six Easy pieces chapter 1 Atoms in motion. Long back, I deduced it that everything we calculate is approximate. But the way Feynman explains is incredible and flawless. I am just taking a relaxed approach to my first love.

Birthday Reminder
Its a long pending task to write a simple perl script to monitor birthdays and mail people, which I have started today. Hope I will finish it my tomarrow.

Sunday, September 05, 2004

Weekend buzz
The weekend was very good with lots of people around. Lots of work finished. Did shopping for my upcoming birthday.

acpi on
Fedora updated with 2.6.8-1.521 kernel. The usual nvidia installation and ndiswrapper followed suit. I started the kernel with acpi=on. I see only ac, battery and button loaded modules. The rest fan, processor and thermal are missing. Need to look into that. Dell laptops are very popular for broken BIOS. I need to update the BIOS and DSDTs before proceeding any further. The cpu-freq scaling and disk spin down are the other options that need an immediate look.
With battery
cat /proc/acpi/ac_adapter/AC/state
state: off-line
cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state
present: yes
capacity state: ok
charging state: discharging
present rate: 21537 mW
remaining capacity: 39770 mWh
present voltage: 11241 mV

With the power on
cat /proc/acpi/ac_adapter/AC/state
state: on-line
cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state
present: yes
capacity state: ok
charging state: charging
present rate: 32702 mW
remaining capacity: 39750 mWh
present voltage: 11755 mV

When I press the button, the kernel goes off graciously shutting down all the services.

Friday, September 03, 2004

Xine build
Fedora lacks a good player for movies. May be I dont know. I like xine for its cool features. I got xine from Built the binaries. But strangely enough, when I go for a full screen mode, it gets a segmentation fault and dumps. Need to look into that.

Surviellance in brittain
Read about an article about the same topic. It is good in many cases, even though privacy is at stake. In spite of large number of cameras, some petty thefts for bikes are still happening around. Also, these cameras are widely used to control speed on motorways. Also, there is a widespread concern that lot of money is being sucked out from public citing speeding. So a proposal has come out for varying speed limits for different time periods. Good to see constructive criticisms are accepted.