Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Back to Physics
Physics is a wonderful subject. One who studies physics and nature will be able to see all the faces of a matter. Physics taught me to think and think abstractively. Physics gives room to use all your imagination powers. Eventhoug mathematics is good, it only helps, aids in problems for physics. There is no abstract, imaginative thinking behind mathematics. Chemistry is a very good subject in its own sense, but it too has its boundry as far as thinking is concerned. From physics only numerous branches came out.

Physics is some kind of astrology. Yes, it also watches the nature for a long time and try to deduce/predict the behaviour of nature for a particular stimuli. The randomness associated with one event (for example a crowded street in which the participating matter behaviour can be predicted) is actually a perfect sequence on its own. Suppose, we are passing across a crowded street, the behaviour w.r.t ours is sequential and flawless as we move through the space with time. We influence the participating factors and vice versa. If we take into account the commuters in the whole city, deduce who will potentially cross our path, calculate their time, distance, speed and we can approximate the people whom we will crossing at a particular point. Eventhough uncertainity comes into picture in the form of accidents, the probability of deducing the above is quite good provided we take into account the complexity of the process involved.

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